Wie formuliere ich meine Themen kundenoriertiert und verständlich?

How do I formulate my topics in a customer-oriented and understandable way?

Ideally 3 topics with 3 sub-topics Approx. 25 lines of max. 60 characters each

- Identify 3 main topics for which you are bookable (lectures, seminars, talks).

- Choose topics that suit different target groups (e.g. leadership for junior staff, heterogeneous groups).

- Use existing successful lecture titles or seminar titles.

- If necessary, integrate the title of a book or publication into the selection of topics.

- Structure each topic into an introduction, main section and closing message.

- Formulate the benefits clearly and with reference to the audience (e.g. joint success in the field of leadership).

- Use relevant keywords and terminology to improve findability.

- Consider feedback and experiences from previous presentations to optimize the topic.

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