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Monika Fink

The 10 commandments for a more stable working world



Personality, Success & Motivation


de de
Monika Fink
Trainer Monika Fink
  • Arbeiten mit Motivation - Impulse für eine stabilere Arbeitswelt | Monika Fink

  • Vortrag 2020 zwei Minuten Monika Fink

  • Krise ist, wenn man trotzdem lacht I Monika Fink beim Speaker Slam

  • Wo sind unsere BEWERBER hin? | Monika Fink - Didacta 2023

  • Monika Fink | Knallhart Nachgefragt

  • !Knallhart nachgefragt! mit Rednerin Monika Fink

  • Monika Fink - Die ideale Führungskraft von heute bzw morgen

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From qualified nurse to trainer - Monika Fink is the reorientation expert! Her life is characterized by valuable contacts and many stories, by challenges and, above all, many crises. She shares these experiences with others in her book. This has also resulted in a podcast in which she gains well-known interview partners. She has advised over 1,500 SMEs and conducted over 4,000 customer meetings. She loves to network and inspires others to do the same. The author, business coach and trainer stands on stage with passion and burning energy. She was in the spotlight for the first time at the age of 8 and has dreamed of inspiring crowds herself since the age of 16. She became self-employed at 21 and had her first successful company at 24. She is living proof that anyone can turn a crisis, a failure or a problem into a win. With her permanent grin and humorous manner, she sweeps every participant off their feet and gives them lasting added value through her expertise.


My magic of All-IN-ONE expertise (can also be booked individually)
Commandment of adaptation

  • Be courageous! Flexible self-management for bosses and managers

The resilience imperative

  • Strengthen your team's resilience to remain resilient even in turbulent times 

Communication imperative

  • The magic of effective conversations

Commandment of humor 

  • Goodbye stress! - Use humor as a valuable tool

The imperative of innovation 

  • Practical tips for sustainable work as the most important resource

The imperative of employee retention 

  • How to create a committed team that is the backbone of a 
    successful company

Leadership imperative 

  • Pizza & chocolate: the secret ingredients for modern leadership

Digitalization imperative

  • Impulses for a more stable working world

The networking imperative

  • 7 rules of business networking for more success

The commandment of celebration

  • Fun is allowed! More energy with fun and humor

References & Press

„"When Monika Fink enters a room, a light seems to go on: 
She shines, her eyes sparkle, she is completely with the person opposite ..." 
Zollernalbkurier, Supraregional


„Monika Fink addressed the topic of digitalization in the skilled trades in a clear and understandable way for the women entrepreneurs in the skilled trades of the Biberach working group. She not only gave a refreshing talk on the subject, but also offered help to the respective participants afterwards and pointed out funding opportunities. Professionally very competent!" 
Women entrepreneurs in the skilled trades, Biberach working group March 15, 2021, online seminar Digitization in the craft business

„I was able to experience Monika Fink live for several months as a VIP CO speaker. She makes guest speakers and participants think and speaks uncomfortable truths. In addition, she has competent and clear messages with an infectious sense of humor that inspires all listeners." 
Urs Meier/Top 100 Speaker/Author



Geile Krise: Mach aus jeder Krise einen Gewinn

ISBN : 3347349520

12.90 €



Monika Fink ist eine Mischung aus Business Coach, Jobprofilerin, Keynotespeakerin und Mentorin, damit Menschen sich kraftvoll, schnell und klar für ein erfülltes Leben (neu) ausrichten. Für alle die sich mit dem Gedanken einer Veränderung auseinander setzen und alle Neuausrichter/innen. Willst du endlich ankommen? Oder hast du das Gefühl, es sollte sich etwas in deinem Leben verändern, weißt aber nicht so richtig, wie du das angehen kannst? Du bist derzeit in schwierigen Situationen und suchst einen Ausweg? Du fühlst dich kraftlos und brauchst Ideen, wie du wieder zu mehr Kraft kommst? Viele Glaubens- und Gedankenmuster sind nicht mehr zeitgemäß. Es freut mich vor allem hier in diesem Podcast nicht nur Beispiele zu bringen, sondern dich auch an anderen Sichtweisen und Erfahrungen von meinen Interviewpartnern teilhaben zu lassen. 

Geile Krise


Expert Marketplace - Monika Fink - Impressions 0
Expert Marketplace - Monika Fink - Impressions 1
Expert Marketplace - Monika Fink - Impressions 2
Expert Marketplace - Monika Fink - Impressions 3
Expert Marketplace - Monika Fink - Impressions 4
Expert Marketplace - Monika Fink - Impressions 5

Presentation types

  • Factual presentation

  • Impulses and motivation

  • Audience interaction

  • Online lecture

  • Practical relevance

  • Workshop

Required equipment

Windows notebook
Windows notebook
Speaker's desk
Speaker's desk