Viola Möbius

Die revolutionäre Ermittler-Taktik - als Geheimcode für außergewöhnlichen Unternehmenserfolg!



Management, Leadership & Change


Viola Möbius
Entrepreneur Viola Möbius













Who isn't fascinated by the work of investigators - whether on primetime television or in the hard-hitting reality? Criminologist Viola Möbius adapts what lies behind criminologists, investigators and profilers - from psychological and sociological aspects to unique knowledge, special tactics and effective methods. And she combines this with more than two decades as an entrepreneur. The "communications expert" (Hamburger Abendblatt) brings fast-paced facts and impressive investigative knowledge to the corporate world. Using a change of perspective, vivid case studies, clear messages and the way top investigators think and act - whose tactics have not yet been formulated for business in this way - she encourages readers to rethink or even revolutionize topics such as leadership culture, teamwork, innovation and error management! With captivating storytelling and clear messages for decision-makers and teams, the eloquent and visually powerful presentation becomes a "crime scene"!


Criminologist Viola Möbius opens the door to the world of top investigators - where teamwork, problem-solving skills and efficiency ensure exceptional success. An industry in which an unparalleled problem and error culture - and the associated innovation - also make up the daily "crime scene".

First 48 - Team competence solves the case!

  • How to make an innovative error and idea culture with maximum added value a daily "crime scene"
  • What causes trust, teams and competence to fail and which investigative tools solve the case
  • Team competence as a management tool - how to establish trust and efficiency in your "SoKo"


Viola Möbius transfers the decision-making tactics and problem-solving skills of the world's top investigators to the corporate world, with the aim of permanently eliminating problems and achieving growth at the same time.

The AOE method - making confident decisions with the investigators' decision matrix


  • How to use the strategies and methods of top investigators to immediately increase your problem-solving skills in an unconventional and measurable way
  • How to use the AOE method to develop and anchor an effective problem and error mindset in your company in the long term
  • How to develop a decision matrix to make effective decisions with the best possible results


Innovations for a positive error culture

A wide range of topics, including current issues, on request. You can also book Viola Möbius as an online speaker for digital events.



References & Press

AIDA, Douglas, Cartier, Mercedes, Hessian State Representation Berlin, Ministry of Economics Baden-Württemberg, Saxon State Ministry of the Interior, RARI Food International, Ronald McDonald Children's Organization, Maria Galland Paris, Womens Business Day Hamburg, Sience4Life e.V., Meridian Spa & Fitness, Kühn Finanz, Pilot Computerhandel, Für Sie, BVMW, Audi, Shell, CAT GmbH, Opel
and many more.


"Who surprises immediately and captivates with one word? Viola Möbius is one of them - she is open, honest, very refreshing, authentic and combines her specialist knowledge with practical experience. For me, her presentations were the best I've experienced in recent years." 
Bernd Draenkow, Former Managing Director Douglas Holding


"We were looking for a highlight for our 20th company anniversary - and we found it in Ms. Viola Möbius: Present, inspiring, polarizing, and with her heart on her sleeve. Ms. Möbius gave us courage for entrepreneurship and our own path in life in a fitting and authentic way. The evening will remain unforgettable and we look forward to seeing her again!" Melanie Fast, Center for Applied Technologies CAT GmbH


Thank you very much for the great presentation, dear Viola, the entire Meridian Spa sales team was completely thrilled!"
Valérie Huck, MeridianSpa GmbH, Member of the Management Board

"I saw you live in Hamburg and loved your presentation! The "plastic" front-of-eye guidance with your examples is definitely memorable! Many thanks for the impulses! I can make good use of them to support the change process in our company." Daniela Petersen, Head of Change Management, VTG AG


"WOW, what energy and drive has been shooting through our creative veins since your presentation! Thank you so much for the great 3 hours with you! We immediately took your slogan - a piece of Viola Möbius - into the office for every day." Esther Böhner, Event & Marketing Manager, RARI Food



Detox your Life!: Welche Menschen du in deinem Umfeld haben willst. Und welche nicht! (Dein Leben)

ISBN : 3967391310

19.90 €


Mehr Mut bitte!


5.90 €


30 Minuten Problem-Detox

ISBN : 3967391248

9.90 €


Selbstliebe für Dummies

ISBN : 3527719326

13.00 €


Raus aus dem Coronablues

ISBN : B08W5F72C3

3.99 €


Das steckst du (locker) weg!

ISBN : 978-3-96740-286-5

5.90 €


Expert Marketplace - Viola Möbius - Impressions 0
Expert Marketplace - Viola Möbius - Impressions 1
Expert Marketplace - Viola Möbius - Impressions 2
Expert Marketplace - Viola Möbius - Impressions 3
Expert Marketplace - Viola Möbius - Impressions 4
Expert Marketplace - Viola Möbius - Impressions 5
Expert Marketplace - Viola Möbius - Impressions 6

Presentation types

  • Factual presentation

  • Impulses and motivation

  • Infotainment

  • Audience interaction

  • Online lecture

  • Practical relevance

Required equipment

Apple notebook
Apple notebook
Speaker's desk
Speaker's desk