Thomas Baumer

Success factors in other cultures - how differences become synergies



Management, Leadership & Change


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Thomas Baumer
Trainer Thomas Baumer


Intercultural competence: Nothing shapes the image of a company as much as its ability to deal with different cultures. Thomas Baumer knows better than anyone how to unlock potential in a global environment and turn the unknown or incomprehensible into a success factor. He is a business economist with over 20 years of experience in the management of international companies. He has visited over 120 countries on business and private trips. His two-volume "Handbook of Intercultural Competence" is recognized by many experts as a standard work. Assessments and coaching are another area of his work. He developed and shaped key aspects of prognostic assessment. To date, he has conducted over 900 assessments and is a successful coach and consultant as well as a lecturer at several universities. He is the founder and managing director of Kairos Group AG, including the CICB Center of Intercultural Competence, CACB Center for Assessment and Coaching and proTalent Praxis für Psychologie und Coaching.

References & Press

ABB University (Baden), Academia Engiadina (Samedan), Axa Winterthur, Baxter Healthcare (Zurich), Beyer Chronometrie (Zurich), Cartus Relocation Services (London), Derendinger Group (Dietlikon), Deutsche Bank, Deutsches Netzwerk Wirtschaftsethik, Ernst & Young (Zurich), ETH Zurich, Hekatron (Sulzburg), Hochschule für Wirtschaft (Lucerne), Hochschule / University of St. Gallen, Landesakademie Stuttgart, Mann+Hummel (Stuttgart), Morgan Stanley (Zurich), Nestlé (Vevey), PricewaterhouseCoopers (Zurich), Procter & Gamble (Schwalbach/Taunus), Reuters (Zurich), Roche Diagnostics (Basel), SBB (Bern), Swiss Life (Zurich), Swisscom (Bern), Universidad Santo Tomás (Temuco/Santiago de Chile) and many more.


 "The presentation and the seminar were very exciting and instructive, revealed many new aspects - expectations were exceeded." 


"The speaker's enthusiasm is palpable and was transmitted to all participants. He manages to convey highly complex topics in a concise, practical and easy-to-understand way."



Handbuch Interkulturelle Kompetenz: Band 1 / Anforderungen, Erwerb und Assessment - Band 2

ISBN : 3280050812

21.00 €


Prognostisches Assessment. Fähigkeiten und persönliche Entwicklung voraussehen (HRM-Dossier)

ISBN : 3908244943

0.00 €


Handbuch Interkulturelle Kompetenz, Band 1

ISBN : 3280026911

10.05 €


Presentation types

  • Impulses and motivation

  • Workshop

Required equipment

Windows notebook
Windows notebook