Mario Schmidt

The people-winner - presenting & moderating knowledge in an entertaining way



Communication, Rhetoric & Body Language


Mario Schmidt
Trainer Mario Schmidt
  • Präsenz wirkt - die beste Medizin für Ihr Auftreten | Mario Schmidt

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Mario Schmidt is a passionate presenter, speaker, coach and edutainer. "Presenting knowledge in an entertaining way" is his motto. He impresses with his high-quality, audience-oriented and stylish performance with his sonorous "radio voice" at every event. From lively, fresh and charming to factual and serious, Mario Schmidt offers confident and humorous presentations as a business and event presenter. For him, the focus is on his conversation partner, the guest, the customer. As a trained Mimic Resonance® Master, he is also trained in emotion and personality recognition and can therefore respond to each individual. Mario Schmidt combines his winning manner with professional expertise to make events a complete success, from the smallest detail to the big picture. He familiarizes himself intensively with the topic, is the central theme and works with you to develop a coherent dramaturgy for your event. As a stage presenter, he has already stood in front of 50, but also 15,000 people and knows the processes and effects very well. You can therefore rely on his knowledge, skills and experience from over 25 years of professional communication.



Mario Schmidt is one of the most professional and spontaneous presenters in Germany. The business and event presenter knows how to win people over and inspire them both on stage and online.

Moderation and edutainment - presenting knowledge in an entertaining way

  • Conveys complex topics in a tangible and understandable way
  • Turns your gala into an event to remember
  • Moderates your sporting event in a captivating, exciting and inspiring way

Business & political talk with intellect, charm and esprit

  • Journalistically competent
  • factual & confident
  • quick-witted & spontaneous


Product presentation with emotion

  • Presents and celebrates your products at trade fairs and events
  • Creates a lively atmosphere
  • Turns your customer event into an emotional highlight


TV, presence, media and management training

  • How to deliver your best performance as a presenter in the studio or on stage at the touch of a button
  • How to prepare for public appearances as a managing director, manager and team leader and how you can learn to lead more easily with emotional skills
  • How you as an event presenter can understand how to be a host and make stage guests shine
  • How you as a speaker can inspire rather than sound off


People Winner - How to crack the empathy code

  • EQ beats IQ - Pay with the currency of the 21st century
  • How to find out what type you and your counterpart are
  • How to communicate with people according to their type and win them over
  • How to reach and convince your customers right from the start
  • How to create team flow and promote growth with the right communication

References & Press

"I found working with Mario to be very pleasant, uncomplicated and yet very professional. He made the introductions and interviews at our trade fairs very informative and humorous, so that the audience and the speakers felt they were in good hands at all times. He also always has a suitable creative idea for spontaneous activities. We are really very satisfied, so much so that we have booked Mario again for our next trade fairs."

Lisa Zimmermann, Marketing & Communication Fonds Finanz Maklerservice GmbH


"In recent years, our company has worked with various presenters for a large number of events and functions in the fashion sector. Mario Schmidt has always been one of our top choices. In 15 years of working with Mario, there has never been anything to complain about. On the contrary, Mario's presentations were and are always to the point. He can immerse himself into the theme of the event like hardly anyone else, as well as adapting excellently to all protagonists / guests. His tone is always right - whether funny or serious. His moderations are always adapted to the occasion and perfectly articulated. Mario Schmidt is a very uncomplicated person, which makes working with him much easier. Always the first choice for us."

Gabi Stember, Clinton Großhandels GmbH CAMP DAVID | SOCCX


"I have already experienced Mario Schmidt as a moderator and keynote speaker at many of our events. In particular, he has become an integral part of our congress at the International Tourism Exchange (ITB) in Berlin for the VDVO (Verband der Veranstaltungsorganisatoren e.V.). Mario Schmidt is someone who immediately immerses himself in the respective context and accompanies events with confidence. He is not only professional, but also always positive and absolutely authentic."

Bernd Fritzges, Chairman of the VDVO (Association of Event Organizers)


"Mario Schmidt always inspires me as a presenter, both as an organizer and from a speaker's perspective. As a speaker, he has always prepared the stage excellently for me, warmed up the audience and ensured that the "room" is ready. Being moderated in such an outstanding and motivational way makes it easy for a speaker to start straight away and build on the good atmosphere in the room. As an organizer, I have always been impressed at our conventions by how deeply Mario Schmidt delves into the topic in advance and prepares for the specific target audience. He was always able to pick up on the audience and adapt to the situation on site. In my opinion, this is the only way to achieve a suitable and strong moderation. Thank you, dear Mario, for our collaboration. I look forward to all future events with you." 
Dirk W. Eilert, Head of the Eilert Academy | The Science of Emotions


"We particularly enjoyed the spontaneous, cheerful and yet professional way in which you conducted the interview with our new employees." 
Christine Klawun and Antonius Spier, Regional Area Management North-East, TÜV-Rheinland


"With your lively presentation, you made our event a great success. You led us through the program in a charming, confident and stylish manner. One could feel that you are at home on stage." 
Winfried Ebert, Member of the Management Board, LBS Ostdeutsche Landesbausparkasse

"You took part in the meetings to prepare the workshop with great commitment and gave the speakers from Berker good and important impulses. You also did an excellent job of ensuring that the key messages of the workshop were presented precisely and clearly. The moderation of the workshop also demonstrated a high level of professionalism and tireless commitment." 
Oliver Brüggemann, B. Berker Switches and Systems


"Once again this year, you made our 'Invitation from the Prime Minister - Children are welcome' event for Children's Day a really well-rounded affair. Without your commitment, your loving moderation and your warm, open manner, the children's festival would not have been such a success." 
Dr. Dietmar Woidke, Minister President of the State of Brandenburg






Expert Marketplace - Mario Schmidt - Impressions 0
Expert Marketplace - Mario Schmidt - Impressions 1
Expert Marketplace - Mario Schmidt - Impressions 2

Presentation types

  • Impulses and motivation

  • Infotainment

  • Audience interaction

  • Online lecture

  • Practical relevance

Required equipment
