Dr. Klaus Schirmer

Leading according to the Husky Principle: This is how your company charges ahead!



Management, Leadership & Change


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Dr. Klaus Schirmer
Speaker Dr. Klaus Schirmer
  • Trailer Klaus Schirmer 2017 3 Vortragsthemen HD

  • Trailer Video 2 Führung nach dem HUSKY-Prinzip 2017

  • Trailer Video 1 "kaufen lassen statt verkaufen, beraten statt belehren"

  • Führen nach dem HUSKY Prinzip in stürmischen Zeiten | Dr. Klaus Schirmer

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Klaus Schirmer is an entrepreneur, author and a captivating speaker. Thanks to his entrepreneurial expertise, with which he founded Austria's first pharmacy franchise system and led his own pharmacy to the title of "Austria's Best Employer," Klaus Schirmer is undoubtedly one of the practitioners among keynote speakers. With a skilful mixture of fine humor, profound wisdom and numerous entrepreneurial anecdotes, he has been inspiring his audience for years in lectures, seminars and events. He knows how to present highly complex topics in a pictorial, competent and humorous way. His lectures and seminars offer inspiration, information and motivation at the highest level! Leading according to the Husky principle: if an enthusiastic team really pulls and you steer competently, then your company will inevitably move forward!


Leading according to the HUSKY principle

  • How to gather the right comrades-in-arms around you and bring them forward to your company!
  • How to playfully balance intuition and disciplined structuredness.
  • Why a culture of "Yeaahhhh" is so important for your success

Arguing connects

  • Why it pays to argue well and constructively
  • How to manage conflicts in your team wisely and gain energy from them
  • Which conflicts you need to move forward and which ones are better avoided

 Quality of life instead of maximization:

  • How to balance your life portfolio to live a good overall life
  • What a fulfilling life balance means for you personally  
  • Why you as a leader are important to the quality of life of your employees

References & Press

  • Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists, Dr. Stefan Deibl, Head of Training Department
  • Swietelsky Austria, Bmst. DI Andreas Geiger, authorized signatory
  • Genericon Pharma GmbH, Dr. Katharina Janach, Head of Sales
  • Rotpunkt-Pharma, Dr. Rudolf Anders, Zurich
  • Widmer Austria GmbH, Philip Wied, Managing Director
  • Deutsche Bahnbau GmbH, Dr. Doris Radatz
  • Avoxa GmbH, Daniela Hüttemann
  • Bayer Healthcare GmbH, Susanne Eibegger, Head of Sales

Participant comments:

"Great compliment: from practice into practice! Coherent, understandable, competent, humorous, very motivating!"
Peter Halvax, Business-Trainer, Wien

"For me, Dr. Schirmer is one of the best in his field. His lectures are lively, entertaining and yet lasting, very inspiring and substantial." Dr. Andreas Janka, Vorstand PHAGO

"I would like to thank you once again, also on behalf of the entire management of DB Bahnbau Gruppe GmbH, for your very successful impulse lecture. I/we took away a lot of inspiration from it and I was able to use it to excellent effect in three workshop sequences on Thursday. I can tell you that a lot of things stuck with my colleagues.!“ Dr. Doris Radatz, Vorstand Deutsche Bahnbau GmbH, Berlin

"I want to thank you again for these two excellent 'Patient-Centered Pharmacy' events!“ F. Kollreider, Student, Innsbruck

"Congratulations again on a great emotional speech yesterday and I look forward to seeing you again.“ Oliver Hochkofler, Zuhörer, Graz




Das Husky-Prinzip: Von Leithunden, langen Leinen und Freundschaft in der Team-Führung

ISBN : 352750981X

24.99 €


Presentation types

  • Infotainment

Required equipment

Windows notebook
Windows notebook
Presentation Case
Presentation Case