Dr. oec. Hans-Peter Kleebinder

Sustainable mobility is our basis for personal autonomy, prosperity and quality of life.



Digitalization, Innovation & Future


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Dr. oec. Hans-Peter Kleebinder
  • Masterplan Mobilitätswende | Dr. Hans-Peter Kleebinder

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As an independent mobility expert, Hans-Peter Kleebinder supports companies, brands and people on their way to a sustainable, modern and safe future. He provides answers to the questions of how we will live in the future and move from A to B more sustainably. As early as 1995, he worked on the future of our mobility in Europe as part of a research fellowship at the University of St. Gallen. He then spent over 20 years in management positions in sales and communications at MINI, BMW and Audi. Today, he is Managing Director of the executive program "Smart Mobility Management driven by SMART Cities & SMART Data" at the University of St. Gallen. He is the author of the mobility study "Building the Automotive Cluster of the Future" on behalf of the Austrian Ministry of Transport and a member of the "Global New Mobility Coalition" of the World Economic Forum. As a speaker, curator and moderator, he convinces and inspires entrepreneurs, managers and decision-makers in business, politics and society.


SMART Mobility: sustainable - connected - autonomous

  • The mobility plan for our future: ZERO emissions. ZERO accidents. ZERO traffic jams. ZERO property?
  • How can the transformation of the German automotive and supplier industry succeed?
  • Can the new electric drives with batteries, fuel cells and hydrogen put the brakes on climate change?
  • What role will road, rail and public transport play alongside autonomous cars, air cabs and drones in sustainable future mobility?

SMART Cities: green - digital - worth living in

  • How do we organize the transport of people, goods and data in the city of the future and in the countryside?
  • How will we live in the future? Which technologies will become indispensable? How will we move from A to B?
  • What are the opportunities of new mobility concepts for project developers, architects and urban planners?

SMART Data: intelligent - efficient - secure

  • Why and how is digitalization revolutionizing the global mobility industry? Which players are getting their act together?
  • Is our mobility data the oil of the 21st century? And if so, how do we benefit as customers?
  • What role will our mobility data play in an Internet of Mobility with 5G, blockchain and 3D printing technologies? 

The influence of climate change, digitalization and Generation X/Z/Y on our future mobility round off his range of topics. In addition to the challenges, Kleebinder focuses on the opportunities for the energy, telecommunications, insurance and real estate sectors.

References & Press

Commitments (among others):

  • Member of the Global New Mobility Coalition (World Economic Forum), Geneva
  • Scientific Advisory Board Federal Association eMobility e.V.
  • Advisory Board Member Microlino AG, Zurich


Clients (among others):
Autonomous Vehicle World Congress Shanghai, Federal Ministry of Transport Vienna, CATARC, German-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Digital Heroes Festival, Formula E Zurich, Huawei, IAA MOBILITY, IBM, IHK, Federation of Austrian Chambers of Industry and Commerce Vienna, Kommunalforum Alpenraum, Messe München, Microlino AG, Microsoft, NIO, PATRIZIA Immobilien AG, PwC, PCK Erdölraffinerie, Roland Versicherungen, Wunder Mobility

References (among others):

"As 'Mr. MINI Germany', he was instrumental in the local success of the British cult brand. He also set important accents for BMW and Audi." Horizont, German Media Congress 2019

"I value Hans-Peter as an independent expert who, as a visionary and doer, provides important impulses for our association and the future of our mobility." Kurt Sigl, President, Bundesverband eMobilität e. V.

"As a creative pioneer and out-of-the-box thinker, Hans-Peter Kleebinder is ahead of his time. You can benefit greatly from his practical experience and his ability to inspire and motivate people. If you need answers to the question of what will move us and the next generations in the future, he is the best person to talk to." 
Christian Böllhof, CEO, Prognos AG


Press (among others):

WDR, ORF, Deutsche Welle, N-TV, SRF, CNBC ...
Handelsblatt, Focus, Wirtschaftszeitung, trend ...



Internationale Public Relations: Analyse Öffentlicher Meinungsbildung In Europa Zum Thema Mobilität (Gabler Edition Wissenschaft) (German Edition)

ISBN : 3824462516

49.95 €


Best Practice Markenführung | Fallbsp. MINI

ISBN : 978-3-8349-8092-2

69.95 €


Mobilitätsstudie Republik Österreich

ISBN : -

0.00 €


Expert Marketplace - Dr. oec. Hans-Peter Kleebinder - Impressions 0
Expert Marketplace - Dr. oec. Hans-Peter Kleebinder - Impressions 1
Expert Marketplace - Dr. oec. Hans-Peter Kleebinder - Impressions 2




Portrait & interview: Mobility of tomorrow: "We now have the last chance" in Living & Style, March 2021

Interview Wirtschaftszeitung "Mobility as a component of basic public services" Mobility expert Dr. Hans-Peter Kleebinder recalls the beginnings of the automobile society in the 1920s and looks ahead to the mobility of tomorrow. September 2020

FOCUS guest article "Corona fires rethinking in the automotive industry and opens up global opportunities for Germany" at Focus-Online as a member of the think tank "Germany - Your Opportunities" May 2020

Guest commentary on the 2019 Digital Summit in Handelsblatt: "What do cities in your region need now to become smart cities?" April 2020

Car expert Hans-Peter Kleebinder "Made in Austria. How much longer?" on the future of the Austrian automotive industry. Here. Business newspaper trend. November 2019

"E-scooters - trend-setting or dangerous for traffic? - Deutschlandfunk, October 2019, Click here for the article 
Mobility Industry goes Influencer Marketing - Marketing Review St.Gallen, Click here for the article, February 2018

Presentation types

  • Factual presentation

  • Impulses and motivation

  • Practical relevance

Required equipment

Apple notebook
Apple notebook
Speaker's desk
Speaker's desk