Christian Scholz

IT follows business - the business model decides



Digitalization, Innovation & Future


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Christian Scholz
Entrepreneur Christian Scholz
  • Christian Scholz of Arvato Systems on digital transformation

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Christian Scholz, keynote speaker, IT strategist, visionary & author, is at the forefront of modern IT management. With an extraordinary career that began in software development, he has evolved into a strategic architect and visionary who has masterfully designed both on-premises and cloud infrastructures. In his impressive career as a project manager, Scholz has successfully realized numerous complex and strategically important projects, serving leading corporations and customers worldwide. His role as architect and project manager of the pioneering product "Google Pay" is particularly noteworthy. For over a decade, he has shaped the strategic direction of his company and promoted sustainable growth. With over 30 years of professional experience, he has worked for global giants such as Google, Microsoft, Bertelsmann and Lufthansa and has always been highly recognized in the industry. He combines in-depth IT expertise with visionary thinking and has established himself as an indispensable player in digital transformation. His keynotes inspire and his strategies set standards - he is the driving force behind pioneering IT solutions and strategic growth.


Focus on digital business models - The 3 success factors for your business success

  • How to create a vision that is measurable and achievable
  • How to create a roadmap for your vision and set fixed milestones
  • How to put together a powerful core team and achieve your goal step by step

Transformation as a success factor - how to successfully implement major projects despite high risks

  • What the decisive factors are for a power team
  • Knowing and taking into account the dos and don'ts of major projects
  • How to set up effective risk management, identify the risks of major projects and continuously introduce the right measures

IT follows business - the business model is decisive

  • How to identify and integrate the right technical AI innovations for your business model 
  • How to strengthen the customer experience and strengthen customer loyalty with new innovations
  • How to create a future-proof & confident IT architecture that prepares your company for future changes and technological advances

References & Press

On request.

Presentation types

  • Business talk

  • Interview

  • Factual presentation

  • Impulses and motivation

  • Audience interaction

  • Online lecture

  • Practical relevance

  • Specialized lecture

Required equipment

Apple notebook
Apple notebook