
With campaigns, you can increase your visibility and target potential customers effectively. You can choose between two types of campaigns: Search Campaigns and Expert of the Week Campaigns. Both options provide you with flexible opportunities to showcase yourself and your expertise on specific topics.

  • Generate more leads and conversions

  • Boost your online sales

  • Showcase your brand to more people

Search Campaigns - Always appear at the top of search results

With Search Campaigns, you can secure a prominent spot in search results when users look for topics related to yours.

Select specific terms, and each time a user searches for them, your profile appears at the top. This ensures that the right customers notice you when they are looking for what you offer.


  • Your profile appears at the top for relevant search queries.

  • You can directly reach potential clients who are searching for your services.

  • Flexible management through daily budget control and easy administration.

More about search campaigns

Expert of the Week: Prominent presence on the homepage

The "Expert of the Week" campaign places you directly on the homepage of Expert Marketplaceā€”the first thing every visitor sees. You can secure one of the top positions for a week or longer, gaining maximum visibility from all platform visitors.

Choose the XL slot to additionally showcase a personal slogan and a brief description of your offering


  • Your profile will be featured on the homepage.

  • Ideal for quickly attracting many new customers.

  • With the XL spot, you can highlight your message and offering even more effectively.

More about Expert of the Week-campaigns

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